Utility Equipment

Muck Truck Power Wheelbarrow - Specifications

See how the Muck Truck, Max Dumper, Bizzy and E-truck compare:

Muck Truck mini dumper power barrow specifications, Honda GXV engine spec, Honda UK supported warranty on the Muck Truck Mini Dumper Powered Barrow. Muck Truck micro dumper weight and dimensions V Muck Truck Max V Muck Truck Bizzy V Electric Muck Truck.

Muck Truck Max Dumper Bizzy E-truck
(c) Fresh Group
Engine Honda GXV 160cc, 4 stroke, 5.5hp commercial petrol engine Honda GXV 160cc, 4 stroke, 5.5hp commercial petrol engine Briggs and Stratton 190cc, 6.5hp petrol engine Benevelli electric transmission 4x12 Volt (2 pairs giving 24 volt operation)
Transmission 3 x Fwd
1 x Rev
3 x Fwd
1 x Rev
1 x Fwd
1 x Rev
Switchable Fwd
Fully variable Rev
Speed 3.5 mph 3.5 mph 3.5 mph 3.5 mph
Fuel Unleaded petrol Unleaded petrol Unleaded petrol Electric motor
Capacity 550lbs/250kgs
6 cu ft
8 cu ft
6 cu ft
6 cu ft
Drive 4 wheel drive 4 wheel drive 2 wheel drive
(4 wheel drive option)
4 wheel drive
Noise rating 79 db 79 db 81 db 5 db
Parking brake Disc Disc Disc lock Electro-magnetic
Wheels Front 10" 4 ply
Rear 8" pneumatic tyres
Front 10" 4 ply
Rear 10" pneumatic tyres
5" 2-ply pneumatic tyres Front 10" 4-ply
Rear 8" pneumatic tyres
Weight 120Kgs unladen 140Kgs unladen 100Kgs unladen 180Kgs unladen
Muck Truck Max Technical Specification
Height 34" 864mm 36" 914mm 36.5" 928mm 36" 914mm
Length 61" 1550mm 64" 1625mm 62.5" 1588mm 65" 1651mm
Width 28" 711mm 28" 711mm 28.5" 724mm 28" 711mm
Fresh Group
Muck Truck Max Dumper Bizzy E-truck

For more information call us on 0845 373 1832 or email info@freshgroup.net

Contact VAC 35 Muck Truck Paddock Cleaners Fresh Group Products Limited
A111, Old House Farm
Cutbush Lane

tel: +44 (0) 845 3731 832

email info@freshgroup.net

VAT Registered No
144 2721 33

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